Usually the swan song of the summer flat water season and how nice to see so many members both camping and out on the water.
The weather was kind, the water warm with only the wind causing a few problems now and then.
We found a great spot on the campsite although some found it too far from the facilities and most were pitched up, fed and ready for a fire pit in good time. Julia’s shed kept us dazzled and warm for much of the evening.
Anna, Mike and Jack came up for the day and joined us on the, now, traditional morning paddle to the Bluebird café in Coniston which went without a hitch although some found it tough going on the SUP’s and we had 2 canoes with us with ‘L Plates’ on. For some bizarre reason Mark C was underwhelmed by the amazing Bluebird Milkshakes, impaired taste buds methinks, and Asbo the swan was obvious by his absence. Must still be under nest arrest!

After a leisurely lunch on the camp site we all kitted up for the much anticipated paddle to Peel Island and back. Any reservations with regard to the wind getting too strong were soon discarded and we made good progress to the island.

It didn’t take long for Mark C to unleash his inner child and launch himself from the highest rock and he was soon followed by most of the kids and some of the more risk averse adults. Some great ‘slow mo’ photography by Brandon recorded the antics brilliantly. After the kids had explored the fairy glen and ended up back in the water, what is it about that Sophie B? She just can’t resist getting wet all the time, we boarded our boats and headed back for the campsite.

A massive ‘Well Done’ to Mike, Jack, Christine, Gareth and Annie who despite being pretty new to canoe paddling completed both paddles very competently indeed. Jack had such a good time he managed to talk his dad into pitching his tent for the night.

Showered and changed we all drove up to the Wilsons Arms for tea and a pint before returning to the campsite for more fire pit, marshmallows and a few more drinks. The sky was amazingly clear with gazillions of stars making a spectacular show except for when more of Julia’s shed ended up on the fire and ruined the show.

Sunday morning, breakfasted and camp struck most headed off under the guidance of Mark to explore Cathedral Quarry on their way home and as they left we were treated to 10 of the Red Arrows flying in V formation very low over the campsite heading towards Windermere. What a fitting end to a great weekend.
Roll on next Spring.