Contact Details:
As the club is ran entirely by volunteers that also have full time jobs, we do not have a dedicated phone line. Instead, please direct your question accordingly via email to the most appropriate committee member
If your question is more general or about joining the club then please see our FAQ’s and if this doesn’t answer your query then please email
If you are a member and your question is specific to an event, please sign into the members area, open the event and press the email icon at the right hand side of the events information page, this will open a form to send an email message to the event organiser.
We also have a public facebook group which you would be welcome to join :
Messages sent via facebook messenger will be received by our Media Officer.
Our members meet on Monday evenings (and most Sunday mornings over winter) at the below locations depending on season, conditions and coach availability. We are happy to chat in person to potential new members at the start or end of our sessions, but we may only be able to chat briefly due to session organisation required.
Winter months (Sep – Apr)
Westhoughton Leisure Centre. (Kayak only)
Coaching (and Fun Polo games once per month)
Bolton Rd, Westhoughton, Bolton. BL5 3BZ
Monday evenings: 8:00pm meet for 8:30 to 9:00pm session (plus 9:00 to 9:30 session)
Year Round
High Rid Reservoir (Kayak, Canoe, Paddleboard)
Horwich, Bolton. BL6 4LD
Coaching and group paddles.
Mondays (Apr – Sep): 7:00pm until around 9pm or sunset
Sundays (Sep – Apr): 10am-12 noon
+ Various day trip and camping trip dates (usually at the weekend and subject to ability)