
The committee is a small group of club members who are elected at the annual general meeting to oversee the general day-to-day running of the club.

Why do we have a committee?

There are a number of reasons why we have a committee.

  • To help the Chair make decisions based on the clubs constitution and administer other aspects of what makes Bolton Canoe Club unique from other Canoe Clubs in the region.
  • To ensure the events run by the club’s members are facilitated well and are in line with the club’s governing documents.
  • To review and revise the clubs governing documents so that they best reflect the current needs of the club without losing the identity of the Club.

The committee is not, however; charged with organising club events – the committee is in place to help facilitate club events. It may happen that a number of committee do organise events on the clubs behalf.

If you would like to organise an event on behalf of your fellow club members please contact the club’s event co-ordinator (email below). You will then be helped out to organise the event you want to run.

Committee Positions

There are six mandated committee positions. They are: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Welfare Officer (CWO), Club Safety Officer (CSO), and Youth Officer. There are also five other positions that can also be filled and they are: Coaching & Volunteer Coordinator, Equipment Officer, Events Coordinator, Media Officer and Website Editor & IT Coordinator. There are 11 positions available in the Committee.

We also elect a Junior Representative, a junior member, who is another point of contact for the junior members. Any views and concerns of the juniors can be taken to committee through the Junior Representative via the Youth Officer.

Please see our committee roles and responsibilities document for more information. It is the duty of the committee members to manage and over oversee their role and responsibilities not necessarily to execute their responsibilities themselves, potentially delegating to other members.

Current Committee

The current committee are listed below along with their position.

  • Chair: Heather Stanley : Contact
  • Secretary: Mike T : Contact
  • Treasurer: David Nugent : Contact
  • Welfare Officer: Tracy Herd : Contact
  • Safety Officer: Heather Stanley : Contact
  • Youth Officer: Shirley Ryan : Contact
  • Coaching & Volunteer Co-ordinator: Rick Brabner : Contact
  • Events Co-ordinator: Julia Ginniff : Contact
  • Equipment Officer: Colin Stones : Contact
  • Media Officer: Mike Barrett : Contact
  • Website & IT: Rick Brabner : Contact
  • Youth Representative: Alice

For general questions or Joining enquiries, please email