We all had great fun at this years fun day. We had a very different experience to usual as instead of getting into our familiar canoes and kayaks we tried our hand at building rafts. We were provided with spars of wood, 4 barrels, and various ropes and straps, after our instructors and coaches gave a quick knot tying demo we were away. The two teams (Bone Crushers and the Purple Gems) were away and a battle for first place in a variety of games, including, races, Captains on deck, and some sketchy looking swapping of rafts. There was competitive shouting (very loud) and lots of laughing, and that was just from the leaders!!
Purple Gems The Bone Crushers

The whole event was finished once everyone was suitably soaked and rounded off with a fantastic barbeque. After all this, we still had enough energy for chocolate prizes, hot vimto, burgers and sausages. Thanks to all who supported this event by participating, staying for food and helping out. This year we were raising funds for equipment and our coaching officer has now purchased equipment to make next summer even better! A huge thanks Gareth for the food and another huge thanks to Christine for the entire day.